7 Ways to Reflect, Refresh, & Reset Before the New Year

How are you feeling as this year comes to a close? Grateful for a holiday break? Overwhelmed by the post-strike ‘catch up’ on top of holiday obligations? Excited to leave 2023 behind and hit the ground running come January?

However you’re feeling, 2023 was a LOT for screenwriters. If you’re just plain exhausted even thinking about 2024, you’re not alone.

Here are 7 ways to help reset, reflect, and recharge this holiday season, so you can start 2024 with a sense of hope, renewed intentions, and refreshed motivation:

1. Unfollow and unsubscribe

Take a few minutes to unfollow any social media accounts that don’t inspire you and unsubscribe from newsletters and email lists that don’t serve you. Maybe even take the spirit of ‘unsubscribing’ offline - what relationships cause you more stress than enjoyment? What possessions have you outgrown? Nothing feels better than walking into a new year with less of what you don’t need. I know from personal experience that de-cluttering is a great gift to yourself.

2. Recharge your batteries

Before you can find the energy to sprint into the New Year ready to make all of your goals a reality, you need to make time to relax and recharge. Although it can be hard to sneak in time between holiday obligations, try to give yourself at least a day to breathe before 2024 begins. Maybe carve out time to sleep in, read a book, cook (if that’s your thing), get a massage, or go for a long walk - whatever makes you feel rested and taken care of.

3. Declutter your inbox

If you’re like me and have hundreds of old emails (it used to be thousands) this can sound overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be. Try setting a timer for just 30 minutes and delete/declutter your inbox until the timer goes off. (Also make sure you haven’t forgotten to follow up on anything important so you can go into the new year without any unwanted surprises!). If there’s any time left in your 30 minutes, or you’re in the groove, keep going! Archive old scripts, delete unnecessary documents, clear out any files ‘hanging around’ on your desktop. Also, take the time to back up anything important (because losing all of your hard work is incredibly painful).

4. Reflect on your accomplishments 

December can leave a lot of us obsessing over what we didn’t accomplish in the past year, rather than celebrating what we did. Take some time to reflect on your 2023 accomplishments. Even if you only have 5 minutes for this, answer the following question: I am proud of myself for ________. Then allow some time and space to actually feel proud for achieving that thing!  Personally, I’m proud that my “How to Pitch a TV Show” online course was so helpful for the students. I’m also proud that I finally de-cluttered my office – which I’d been promising myself I’d do for years. Felt great!

5. Reevaluate your daily routine

How can you make your daily routine in 2024 just a little bit easier and more efficient than it was in 2023? Maybe you need to revamp your workspace, utilize a few focus tools like Brown Noise, exercise in the morning instead of the evening, or find more balance between scheduling and spontaneity? Maybe pick one thing you think will make your life easier and try it out for one week in the new year. It might make all the difference.

6. Make one non-career goal

Although screenwriting is a fantastic career, it is not your entire life. Make at least one non-career goal for the new year. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try hot yoga, take a road trip to Joshua Tree, take a pottery class, or learn how to surf. Whatever goal you choose, it can help you stay connected to who you are outside of Hollywood, give you a much-needed dose of perspective and who knows, it might even spark an idea for your next screenplay.

7. Throw a few snowballs

When was the last time you did something physical just because it was fun? When kids play it sparks their creativity, invigorates the connection between their brain and body, and frankly is just a great way to enjoy life for a moment. So, take a time out from your adult self and go play! If you’re in a place with snow, throw a few snowballs. If you’re in LA, maybe drive to the beach and chase a few waves. Taking time to ‘play’ is not a waste of time, it’s a powerful life-hack that allows our mind, body and soul to feel refreshed and revitalized FAST.

Wishing you all a restful, love-filled holiday and great success come 2024!

How are you recharging before the new year? Let me know @CaroleKirsch!

For more industry info and tips check out these additional resources:

For the ultimate guide to pitching a TV show that sells, check out my e-book, The Ultimate Guide to a Killer Pitch

To learn how to create your “personal logline” read my free e-book, Tell Your Story in 60 Seconds.

For my in-depth video course on breaking into the business go to: Carole Kirschner’s Hollywood Boot Camp.

And you can find my book, Hollywood Game Plan on Amazon or at Michael Wiese Productions (MWP).


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